Speech on Teaching profession

Speech on Teaching profession to teachers of Bhavna College

Rahul Ramesh Shewale  is an Indian politician from the Shiv Sena and the Lok Sabha member from the Mumbai South Central constituency. He defeated sitting MP Eknath Gaikwad in the Indian general election, 2014.  Shewale is a four-time chairman of the standing committee of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), the municipal corporation of the city of Mumbai. He held the position from 2010 to 2014. His nomination for a fifth time was replaced by Yashodhar Phanse after he was declared a candidate for the Lok Sabha. He, along with his predecessor Ravindra Waikar, hold the record for being appointed the chairman of the BMC standing committee the most times.  

Mr. Rahul Shevale & Mr. Shivaji Shendge visited in Our degree college on 23rd June, 2018.

Shiv Sena\’s Shivaji Shendge [full time teacher in Charkol school Mumbai] election nomination for Mumbai teacher\’s constituency elections.  He delivered  motivational speech to all the  teachers regarding teaching profession and guided all for election which  will be held on Monday 25th June. [The voting for four Maharashtra MLC constituencies, Mumbai Graduates\’, Mumbai Teachers\’, Konkan Graduates\’ and Nashik Teachers\’].

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