Category: Library

Book Exhibition 2023

Book Exhibition was organized by Bhavna Turst College, Department of Library displayed Reference Books, Educational Books, Autobiography and Novels on […]

मराठी राजभाषा

भावना ट्रस्ट वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महाविद्यात मराठी वाङ्मय मंडळ व ग्रंथालय विभागा अंतर्गत  २७फेब्रुवारी २०२३ रोजी सकाळी ११ ते १ […]

National Librarian’s Day

Library Department of Bhavna Trust College celebrated National Librarian’s Day and 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan (Father of […]

Saraswati Puja

Books and tools are placed in the puja room or in front of the idol or painting of Goddess Saraswati. […]

Book-Magazine Exhibition

Our College library organised a Book-Magazine Exhibition. It was something unseen of by many. It had book reading sessions, followed […]

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