Attendance & Discipline

Attendance & Discipline



  • Wearing Identity Card is compulsory in the college campus.
  • Should be present in college well in time. Latecomers will not be allowed in the class.
  • Should not loiter in the corridors or in the college premises particularly when classes are going on.
  • Strict discipline should be maintained in the college campus.
  • Should behave decently with staff members & each other.
  • Should bring only the parent/guardian whose details are given in the Parent’s profile submitted in the College when called. Any change in the parent/guardianship should be informed to the College office immediately.
  • Should not cause any damage to the College property and also keep the College premises clean and neat. Students found damaging the property is liable to be rusticated from the College and the cost of damages will be collected from such students.
  • In all disputes & controversial matters, decision of the Principal & the appropriate authorities shall be final & binding on the students as well as on the parents & guardians.
  • Smoking, Tobacco chewing, Spitting etc. are strictly prohibited according to the Government orders.



  • For granting the terms in each semester it is mandatory for every learner to have minimum 75% average attendance of total number of lectures, practical’s, tutorials, etc. and a minimum of 50% attendance for each subject (0.6086).
  • Attendance defaulters list will be put up on the Attendance Notice Board in the first week of every month for the period up to the previous month and warning letters will be issued to the defaulting learners twice in every semester.
  • Student shall not be absent from tests or tutorials & examinations without prior permission from the Principal.


  • Students must be neatly and modestly dressed in the College premises.


  • Use of cell phones in any form in the class rooms while in session is strictly prohibited. On breach of this discipline, the cell-phone holder will be liable for a penalty of Rs. 500/- In case of a repetition of the offence the cell-phone shall be liable to confiscation.


  • Students shall not from any group or union in the college & shall not invite any person to address a meeting without prior permission from the Principal.
  • Students should refrain from ragging within or outside the College premises. Government of Maharashtra by resolution no. tern/1 0967620/96 dated 06-09-1996 has notified ragging as a cognizable offence. Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside the College campus shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment and fine. Any student convicted shall be dismissed from the College and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal. The following are some of the ingredients of ragging, which are punishable under the court of law as per the “UGC Regulations on curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009”:
    i. Abetment to ragging,
    ii. Criminal conspiracy to rag
    iii. Unlawful assembly and rioting
    iv. Public nuisance created during ragging
    v. Violation of decency and moral thought
    vi. Injury to body
    vii. Wrongful restrain
    viii. Wrongful confinement
    ix. Use of criminal force
    x. Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences
    xi. Extortion
    xii. Criminal trespass
    xiii. Offences against property
    xiv. Criminal intimidation, etc.


  • Eligible students have to apply’ online for seeking admission to First Year Undergraduate Classes as directed by the University.
  • Admissions will be on merit as per prevailing University rules & Government norms and will be provisional till confirmed by the authorities.
  • Students have to take admission each year. Admission is based on availability of seats, attendance and performance in the lower class. A repeater or an ATKT student may not be admitted to the next class in case of non-availability of seats.
  • Students seeking admissions from other colleges to this College, should have passed in all subjects and obtain No Objection Certificate (N.O.C.) from last College attended.
  • Ordinances relating to refund of fees for the college in all the faculties from the:
    i. Date of admission to 7th day 100% refund (less administrative charges)
    ii. Date of admission to the 10th day (50% refund)
    iii. After that no fees will be refunded.

Principal has the absolute right to add, amend or modify the above rules.

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